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Mart Lee area of responsibility is real estate developments and property management. He graduated from Tartu University with an MBA in Business Management and Tallinn University of Technology with a specialization in Production Economics and Management. His work experience includes various leading positions in the real estate sector, including OÜ Investment Agency partner, OÜ Sundstrand manager and board member, and development and financing of shopping centers through OÜ Valerston Grupp and OÜ Fenmarc Grupp.

Board member

Phone: +372 50 31 805


Illar Kaasik is the managing partner and founder of the Investment Agency at Prudentia, before that he held leading positions in the banking sector. He has been lead counsel on a number of M&A transactions, including commercial real estate sales and corporate sales. In addition, he has been a member of the council in several companies and participated in the work of development and budget committees of municipalities.

Board member

Phone: +372 50 51 753



Board member

Phone: +372 50 ??????


Liivalaia 13 | 10118 Tallinn | Phone +372 681 1310 | Fax +372 681 1319

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